

  • 菲律賓語言學校:BTES 宿霧語言學校(原ZA)
  • 菲律賓遊學課程:ESL+多益 TOEIC 課程
  • 菲律賓遊學時間:12 周
  • 新飛顧問:Fei


菲律賓遊學心得Dcard:Why did I choose ZA English Academy (UV)?

At the first time I chose XXX, but my agency recommended me ZA cause the teachers there are better than XXX, and also I trust her.

After I studied there, everything was so nice. The teachers were so good and professional. Even though sometimes we did not really understand the teachers’ meaning, they still can repeat again and again. And during the classes, teachers always used some interesting ways to teach and discussed with us. When we talked about our opinions with teachers, they would like to listen and share with other classmates. That was so nice and it can let us become closer with our classmates.

During the three months, I made a lot of friends from Japan, Korea, Vietnam, also China. I learn some different languages and cultures from them. And also talked about their purposes to study abroad. Some of them were really young just 16 years old, some were older more than me. But they still wanted to spend half or one year studying in Philippines. There were some feelings different from Taiwan when we learned English. For example, if we had questions during the class in Taiwan, we were shy to ask teacher. But in Cebu, during the classes we could just ask teachers and didn’t need to care too much. Cause everyone came here just wanna and need to learn, also after classes we could talk to other classmates in English and didn’t worry about making mistakes.

Before I went to Cebu, my friend told me it was not easy to find the basketball court in Cebu. But I was so lucky that there was a basketball court just opposite our ZA English Academy school. Nearly every Wednesday we played basketball with some teachers and some dormitory staffs. It was good to let us become closer and have more opportunities to speak English after classes.


我第一次選擇的不是現在這間宿霧語言學校,但是我的代辦顧問推薦我 ZA 宿霧語言學校–UV 因為那裡的老師比較好,而且我也相信她。



在這三個月裡,我結交了很多來自日本,韓國,越南和中國的朋友。我從中學到了一些不同的語言和文化。並且還談到了他們出國留學的目的。他們中的一些人年僅 16 歲,有些人比我年長。但是他們仍然想在菲律賓遊學半年或一年。


在我去宿霧遊學之前,我的朋友告訴我在宿霧語言學校找到籃球場並不容易。但我很幸運,在我們的 ZA 宿霧語言學校的 UV 校區對面有一個籃球場。幾乎每個星期三我們都會和一些老師和一些宿舍員工一起打籃球。讓我們變得更親密,並有更多機會在課後講英語,這樣很棒!

好像我的人生就在這個地方瘋狂原地打轉,我也在每一個重複的日子中對生活漸漸失去熱情 這時候剛好看到我朋友出發去菲律賓遊學,所以我馬上查資料、報名、提離職!整體來說! 推薦大家去菲律賓遊學! 尤其推薦給步入職場幾年後,或是沒有自信的人(歐買尬相信我,菲律賓人超級會給情緒價值!
“這趟旅程真的改變了我”-Lena(CG) 菲律賓宿霧遊學3個月の心得分享Dcard
大學實習結束後,想給自己一個轉換心情的機會,於是決定來一場遊學之旅。當初對於該怎麼選擇學校毫無頭緒,諮詢了幾間代辦後,最後選擇了「新飛遊學」,因為顧問 Ivy 給人感覺很可靠,不只提供建議,而且認真聆聽我的需求,再加上新飛在宿霧有駐點辦公室,讓我覺得在國外遇到問題時會比較安心。