

  • 菲律賓語言學校:Philinter宿霧語言學校
  • 菲律賓遊學顧問:Wensley




其次,我當初在選擇宿霧語言學校時,我希望找到一間華人比例比較少的學校。因為如果宿霧語言學校有很多會說中文人時,你在學校就不會常使用英語。但在 Philinter 宿霧語言學校,大多數學生都來自日本、韓國、越南和泰國,所以在交友過程中會全程的使用英語溝通。所以我現在交到了很多外國朋友,我們每個週末還會一起約出去玩。

第三,我想在放學後有自己的時間。 我們可以選擇在校外或在學校餐廳內吃晚餐。 順便一提,我認為學校的食物很好吃。 總而言之,無論宿霧語言學校環境、食物還是老師我都覺得給我留下很棒的印象,特別是老師們。


Why do I choose the Philinter? I think I have to thank my friend and my agent Wensley and Liz first. Because they introduced some language schools to me, and help me choose the school which is the most suitable for me.  Therefore, I knew the Philinter more. Now I want to tell you the three reasons I choose Philinter, and I will show you what’s my experience in these three weeks.

First, it’s good teachers. When I was in the classes, I could feel the teachers caring all students and they tried to make the classes more interesting even if the students didn’t understand what teachers said and although most of the teachers had accent, some of them still didn’t have it.

Second, I don’t want to have a lot of people who can speak in Chinese in the school. Because if there is a lot of people speaking Chinese, you won’t speak English. In Philinter, most of the students are from Japan, Korea, Vietnam and Thailand so you always need to speak English with your friends. So I have many foreign friends now, and we usually go out every weekend.

Third, I want to have my own time after school. We could choose to eat dinner outside or in the school. By the way, I think the food is good in the school. In conclusion, regardless of the environment, the food or the teachers, I think it’s really good especially the teachers.

“整體來說! 推薦大家去菲律賓遊學!”-餐 ( JIC Premium) 菲律賓遊學兩個月心得Ptt
整體來說! 推薦大家去菲律賓遊學! 尤其推薦給步入職場幾年後,小有積蓄但不太富有並且在人生卡關階段的人,或是沒有自信的人(歐買尬相信我,菲律賓人超級會給情緒價值!!!我遇到無數的店員會讚美我,說我很漂亮~~~~雖然很莫名其妙但就是很爽哈哈哈哈)
“這段過程讓我深刻體會到自己的進步”-餐 ( Philinter) 宿霧遊學分享Dcard
最讓我印象深刻的是遊學的最後一週,學校安排了一場 45分鐘的英文演講。 站在大家面前,用英文自信地分享自己的專業領域,對我而言是一個巨大的突破。從最初的不確定與緊張,到最後能夠流暢且精準地表達想法,這段過程讓我深刻體會到自己的進步,也讓我更有信心在未來的職場上運用英文與國際夥伴溝通。